Sunday 23 August 2015

Sen. Saraki reaches out to former Gov Bola Tinubu

Multiple sources say that despite his public show of defiance, the Senate President, Bukola Saraki, has started reaching out to some of the aggrieved leaders of the APC.
Saraki is one of the gladiators in the clash of egos and wills that followed the Senate leadership election on June 9 and subsequent appointment of principal officers.

The Senate President had earlier visited former President Olusegun Obasanjo to help him beg President Muhammadu Buhari. He also reportedly met with the Emir of Kano and Lamido Sanusi, on the same thing.
Last week, he sent Senate Leader Ali Ndume, Senator Kabiru Gaya, Senator Adamu Aliero, Senator Danjuma Goje, and Senator Abdullahi Adamu, on his behalf Saraki who all met with President Buhari and sought forgiveness on behalf of the Senate President for acting contrary to the dictates of the party.

A report in a national daily on Saturday also said the emissaries apologised to the President for the individual roles they played in the crisis.
However, sources in the party said on Saturday that the emissaries also had a brief meeting with the party’s national leader and former Governor of Lagos State, Senator Bola Tinubu.
Many within the party see the crisis as a battle of wills with Buhari, Tinubu and some party leaders on one side of the ring and the Senate President and his backers on the other side. One of the prominent APC leaders that is believed to have backed Saraki is former Vice President Atiku Abubakar.
But sources told our correspondent that Saraki, of recent, had made strenuous efforts to meet and appeal to Tinubu to sheathe his sword.
Saraki’s olive branch to Tinubu may mark a turning point in the crisis as the Senate President, before now, had insisted that he would not ‘beg’ the APC leader.
But the sources added that Saraki might have changed his position when all his efforts to get President Buhari to forgive him for his defiance to the party and move on.

It has been widely reported that Buhari has refused all entreaties to host the Senate President at the Presidential Villa since the controversial election in the senate. The President had also said the leadership of the senate should tow the party line.

Two APC officials yesterday shed light on Saraki’s last two attempts to reach out to the APC national leader. They said that one attempt occurred three weeks ago while the other took place on Thursday in Abuja.
“Three weeks ago he tried to get across to Tinubu through one of his aides. Of course, the aide couldn’t have arranged the meeting. Tinubu’s disposition to the matter is well known,” the source said.
The APC national leader, sources said, had told some of Saraki’s emissaries in the past that the senate leadership should toe the party line.

Another source said the last attempt took place during the week when the APC senators, who met with the President at the behest of Saraki, also tried to get across to Tinubu. A source close to Tinubu said while the former Lagos governor was aware of the move, his position on the matter had not changed.

The source stated that Saraki needed a long-term strategy to pacify the aggrieved party leaders, adding that the Senate President’s is perceived as haughty by some of these leaders.
“It is a surprise that he is reaching out to Tinubu. Saraki has no respect for Tinubu. He is contemptuous of him. During meetings he refers to him contemptuously as “Bola”. In fact there was a time that Tinubu wanted to explain a point to him and he shut him up,” the source said.
“Tinubu’s take is that the senate should toe the party line. It is not a personal problem at all. If it were a personal problem, the President won’t be reacting the same way.”
The National Publicity Secretary of the APC, Mr. Lai Mohammed said on Saturday that the APC believes in party supremacy.


Photos: Wiz Khalifa arrested for refusing to get off his iohawk at the airport


Rapper Wiz Khalifa shared tweets of how he was slammed on the ground and cuffed by officers at the airport for refusing to get off his hover board. A video he shared on Twitter of the arrest shows Wiz surrounded by officers. More tweets after the cut...

The video below..
A video posted by Wiz Khalifa (@mistercap) on 

Woman's body stolen from casket

A grieving family is seeking closure after someone stole their daughter's body out of her casket at a Texas funeral home before she could be cremated following her funeral service in broad daylight., baffling police and forcing her family to deal with losing her a second time.

Julie Mott, 25, died Aug. 8 after a life-long battle with cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe.

Her body was stolen after her funeral in San Antonio on Aug. 15 which would have been her 26th birthday, Sgt. Javier Salazar said.

Mott's body was discovered missing the next morning, when staff went to take her for cremation and found the casket had been broken into, Salazar said.
But there were no signs of forced entry on the Mission Parks Funeral Chapel North home, and no alarms had gone off or been tampered with overnight. That means her body was likely stolen from a private viewing area between the end of the service at 1:30 p.m. and the end of the business day at 4:30 p.m. after the funeral.
"Whoever did it was pretty daring about it," Salazar said, noting the crime could have been committed by just one person or a group because Mott was petite.
As to motive, "the possibilities are endless" and police will wait until they have apprehended a suspect to say why the crime occurred, he said.
“Our No. 1 priority, of course, is getting her back to her family,” Salazar said. “A close second is to find out who the person was who did it and bring them to justice.”
Dad Tim Mott begged for help finding his daughter's body.
"We just want our daughter's remains returned so we can have some closure to our grief," he said.
The situation is especially heartwrenching because Mott was expected to live to just 3 years old, Salazar said. But her family "encouraged her to live" and have fun.
She became a "vibrant, typical young girl" who loved to horseback ride but spent many days bedridden, Salazar said.
"It's heartbreaking to see a family that went through all that with her…now being put through this before being able to go through mourning and get the closure any family needs," he said.
Friends mourned the second loss of the San Antonio College graduate who brought joy into their lives, despite her pain.
"So disturbing and unbelievable that someone would do this. RIP Julie and prayers to your family in this horrible time," friend Jessica Payne wrote.
The body theft is the first one in the funeral home's 108-year history as the crime is not common
The funeral home is offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the body's discovery.
NY Daily News.

Floyd Mayweather shows off his $4.8mil supercar

Floyd the money Mayweather showed off this expensive car, a Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita supercar that is obviously only made for the super rich. According to Floyd, there are only 2 of these made in the world and Floyd got the 2nd one. Money talks...

8 year old dies after drunken punch in Malia

A gifted sportsman from a top public school died after an assault outside a club on Crete as he awaited his A-level results.
Archie Lloyd, 18, was punched in a drunken row in Malia,, a notorious party town in Greece and hit his head on the ground, Greek police confirmed.

After refusing treatment, he returned to his hotel by cab in the early hours, and was found dead by friends soon after.
Mr Lloyd, who turned 18 last month, travelled to Crete earlier this month for a holiday with friends to celebrate leaving the £36,000-a-year school, where he played for the school’s 1st XI in cricket and football.
He was staying in Sissi, around four miles from Malia.
Sebastian Trabucatti, 22, from East Grinstead, West Sussex, has been released on bail charged with ‘gross negligence leading to manslaughter’.
Trabucatti, a promoter and male model, denies causing the death after the incident on August 6 outside Cloud Nine nightclub
UK Foreign Office spokesman said: 'We can confirm the death of a British national on August 6. We are providing consular assistance to the family.'
Malia is notorious for its nightlife, with thousands of Brits flocking to the resort for cheap booze and all-night partying every summer. 

Daily Mail

Chris Brown shares pics of himself with his parents & his daughter

Proud Dad, Chris Brown visited his daughter, Royalty, who is staying with his parents in Virginia. He wrote "#familyVA! A father who taught me to stay focused. A mother who believed in her son. And a daughter that teaches me about life everyday. (Dad? What are those?). He's obviously over the moon to unite with his daughter after a long time. More photos after the cut...

Photo: Top Dubai female doctor and UAE's first bone surgeon dies in a road accident

Social media sites were overflowing with tribute messages to Dr. Mosa Sultan Al Kaabi who died on Thursday, August 20, at the age of 31, following a road accident.

According to Emirates News, Dr. Al Kaabi was the UAE’s first bone surgeon and an international goodwill ambassador for the country. A social personality known for her love for others, she was a prominent figure in the UAE community and was involved with several humanitarian and charitable initiatives. Until her death, Dr. Mosa was a top physician at the Zayed Military Hospital.

The tragic accident happened on the Dubai Bypass Road [Emirates Road] on Thursday evening, as she was returning from Abu Dhabi to Fujairah. She was buried after Friday prayers at Omar bin Abdul Aziz Mosque area in Fujairah. The funeral was attended by her family and a large number of friends and colleagues.

Siblings recreate their childhood photos and they are hilarious!

Some people who flawlessly and hilariously recreated their childhood photos. See more after the cut

PHOTOS man killed when a jet crashed into his car as he drove home from work

Imagine if he'd been just 10 minutes late in leaving work yesterday...he probably would still be alive today. Quite sad! Gym instructor Matt Jones, said to be in his 20s, was on his way home from work yesterday afternoon when a vintage Hawker Hunter jet smashed into his BMW 3 Series Coupe in a ball of flames during the Shoreham Airshow display in London yesterday. 

7 people were killed on the ground and Police fear that the death toll may rise as some of the people in the hospital are in critical condition. The jet's pilot, Andy Hill was pulled from the burning wreckage and is also in a critical condition in the hospital. 

Mrs Buhari can't be head of Africa's First Ladies if she's not the First Lady of Nigeria, can she?

Presidential media aide Shehu Garba said something recently that I want us to discuss. Find it below..
“Out of respect to Mrs. Buhari, the Sierra-Leonian First Lady, Mrs. Sia Koroma recently surrendered her position of head of Africa’s First Ladies to Mrs. Buhari, inviting her to take up the same seat which Mrs. Jonathan hurriedly handed over a few weeks to the handover of her husband’s government to President Buhari. Again, all these things are currently under consideration and no decision has been arrived at presently" 
If Pres. Buhari has or wants to abolish the office of The First Lady during his administration, (the media has been asked to refer to Aisha Buhari as the wife of the president and not First Lady) does it not disqualify her to head Africa's First Lady, since she's technically not a First Lady? Thoughts?

I ask because Mr Garba said that they are considering it. Below are other things he said... 
“President Buhari promised that there would be a clear difference between the role played by his wife during his tenure and that played by many previous First Ladies.
“All that ostentation, ubiquitousness and arrogance we have come to expect from the office are over and done with. Change has come.
“The ideal platform from which she will be useful to Nigeria’s women and children is still being thought out. Once this has been concluded on, Mrs. Buhari’s role will become clearer to all Nigerians. There will be nothing shady or hidden about it. There will be no access to public funds. It will be purely private and voluntary."

Sokoto residents rush out to clean streets following cash reward of N1m by state governor

Sokoto state residents have come out in their numbers to clean their streets following the announcement of N1million reward by the state governor, Aminu Tambuwal, to residents of the cleanest streets. Tambuwal yesterday made the announcement as a way to ensure that the state is kept clean. The runner-up street will get N750,000 while the 2nd runner-up will get N500,000. 

Friday 21 August 2015

Graphic: Pastor petitions police after his neighbour allegedly stabbed his wife & set his son on fire, killing him!

Pastor Mathew Asuquo, a resident of Ajegunle community in Lagos state has petitioned the Lagos state police command over the repeated attack on his family by one of his neighbors named Jane Osasa. Pastor Asuquo in his petition alleged that Jane had repeatedly attacked his family and nothing had been done to get her arrested even when he reported the case to the Ajeromi police station.

According to him, Jane who is known as Iron Lady in their community, had an argument in their compound with his wife, Cecilia on Mach 20th and while they were arguing, Jane allegedly stabbed his wife with a kitchen knife on her forehead. It gets more gruesome...*graphic photo after the cut*

He said he reported the case at the Ajeromi police station but Jane wasn't arrested neither was anything done to caution her. He said a similar incident happened on June 13th when the said Jane stabbed his daughter, Peace, on the neck. He reported the matter again to the Ajeromi police station but nothing was done. A third incident happened on August 8th when the same Jane attacked his niece who was on holiday in his house. Going by his previous experiences, he refused going to the Ajeromi police station and so he decided to go to the Area B Command in Apapa where he met a certain CSP Lukas who gave him a letter and referred him back to Ajeromi Police station. Officers at Ajeromi Police station after receiving the letter, picked up Jane who they detained and said will be charged to court the next day but was however released later in the evening. 

He said on August 11th, the day his family and Jane were to appear in court, Jane along with her husband and one of her relative known as Danger, set his only son, Mathew, ablaze. He is demanding for justice. The person who shared the story - Iboro Tonye-Edet - said the boy, pictured below, has since died. He died on the 19th of August after succumbing to his wounds.

 A copy of his petition   

Police enjoins doctors to treat accident victims and persons with gunshot wounds without police report

The Inspector-General of Police, Solomon E. Arase,  has called on members of the public including medical personnel to attend to accident victims and persons with gunshot wounds without any police report when the need arises. In a statement released today August 21st, Arase said the police can be informed afterwards for necessary action after the injured have been given proper attention. The full text of the statement after the cut...

The Inspector-General of Police, IGP Solomon E. Arase, NPM fdc has enjoined members of the public including medical personnel to attend to accident victims and persons with gunshot injuries and thereafter, inform the Police for necessary action.
This became imperative, following neglects and consequent untimely death of victims in this regard out of fear of being implicated without Police involvement.
The Police High Command also directed its Officers and men not to harass good Samaritans/Nigerians in this regard, but endeavour to elicit correct facts in relation to incident from them.
Doctors on duty are equally duty bound to treat victims of gunshot wounds and further inform Police of relevant facts. The safety of Nigerians is a collaborative effort of all and sundry. Police therefore, enjoin citizens not to relent in their cooperative attitude in ensuring safety of all. While they are also to report any suspicious person or persons to the nearest Police Station.

Police enjoins doctors to treat accident victims and persons with gunshot wounds without police report

The Inspector-General of Police, Solomon E. Arase,  has called on members of the public including medical personnel to attend to accident victims and persons with gunshot wounds without any police report when the need arises. In a statement released today August 21st, Arase said the police can be informed afterwards for necessary action after the injured have been given proper attention. The full text of the statement after the cut...

The Inspector-General of Police, IGP Solomon E. Arase, NPM fdc has enjoined members of the public including medical personnel to attend to accident victims and persons with gunshot injuries and thereafter, inform the Police for necessary action.
This became imperative, following neglects and consequent untimely death of victims in this regard out of fear of being implicated without Police involvement.
The Police High Command also directed its Officers and men not to harass good Samaritans/Nigerians in this regard, but endeavour to elicit correct facts in relation to incident from them.
Doctors on duty are equally duty bound to treat victims of gunshot wounds and further inform Police of relevant facts. The safety of Nigerians is a collaborative effort of all and sundry. Police therefore, enjoin citizens not to relent in their cooperative attitude in ensuring safety of all. While they are also to report any suspicious person or persons to the nearest Police Station.

2 soldiers died as Nigerian army raid Boko Haram camp in Borno

 According to a statement released by the Nigerian Army, troops of 7 Brigade t Friday August 21st cleared Gudumbali town, Kukawa LGA of Borno State, of Boko Haram terrorists. Two soldiers died while two others were seriously injured during the raid. Full statement after the cut...

OperationLafiyaDole. Troops of 7 Brigade have today entered and cleared Gudumbali town, Kukawa Local Government Area of Borno State. During the operation, quite a number of the

terrorists were killed their weapons and equipment were destroyed. The troops are currently doing
clearance operations in the general area. It should be recalled that the Nigerian Air Force has inflicted heavy damage on the terrorist’s camps within the general area last Monday. 

Unfortunately, two soldiers lost their lives, while two others were critically injured. The bodies of the two gallant soldiers have been evacuated, to the rear, while the other two wounded soldiers have also been evacuated and are receiving treatment at the military hospital. The unit also lost a Mowag Armoured  Personnel Carrier due to the buried landmine between old Marte and Kerenoa  junction, BornoState.

Despite this sad event, troops are not deterred as they continued their advance and pursuing the terrorists to their enclaves in Sambisa forest. Similarly, it is important to note that troops in the various formations and units in #OperationLAFIYADOLE are in high spirit and more determined to destroy the terrorists camps and enclaves.

Colonel S.K. Skusman
Acting Director Army Public Relation
Source:Nigerian Army (HQ) @HQNigerianArmy

Garage of Nigeria's 2nd Senate president, Akweke Nwafor Orizu

According to Wikipedia, Prince Akweke Nwafor Orizu was Nigeria's 'second' Senate President from Nov 16, 1960 to Jan. 15, 1966, during the Nigerian First Republic. Photo credit: Chinedu Anarado

PMB suspends immigration boss over visa issued to wanted terrorist

The Comptroller-General of Nigeria’s immigration service, Mr. David Parradang, has been suspended by president Buhari and many believe it's because of the controversy surrounding how wanted Lebanese terrorist and radical cleric, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Assir got a Nigerian visa even with a fake Palestinian passport. He was arrested at an airport in Beirut on Sunday Aug 15 on his way to Nigeria.

Parradang's suspension was announced this evening in a statement signed by the Director of Press, Federal Ministry of Interior, Mr. Yusuf Isiaka Alhaji, on behalf of the permanent secretary of the ministry. Deputy Comptroller-General of Immigration, Martin Kure Abeshi, will take over running the agency in the mean time.

FETTY WAP makes rap chart history

Who would have thunk it? Rapper Fetty Wap, who became famous following his hit song, Trap Queen, has made rap music history after scoring four top ten hits in a row. His latest single 'Again' debuted at No.8 on Billboards Hot Rap Songs Chart following Trap Queen, My Way and 679.

Fetty Wap is the first rapper to pull the feat in the 26-year history of the chart according to Billboard.

NYSC secures N200m bank facility as loans for corps members with business ideas

The Director general of the National Youth Service Corp NYSC, Brig -Gen. Johnson Olawumi today announced that the scheme had secured a N200 million bank facility for disbursement to corps members as loans to enable them start any business of their choice. The DG said this while receiving the Commander, Guards Brigade, Nigerian Army, Brig.-Gen. Musa Yusuf who paid him a courtesy call at the NYSC headquarters in Abuja

“We train these corps members in the camp after the camp we have partners all over the country where corps members also receive training throughout the service year. Now, the issue is that when they get this training they don’t have start-up capital but we have been doing a lot to see there is opportunity for them to get startup capital. We have the NYSC foundation as we speak, the NYSC foundation has just approved loan worth N10 million for corps members. Corps members based on the business plan they submit could get as much as N250, 000 and N400, 000. We have also signed an MoU with Bank of Industry though it is yet to take off but we are working on it. A couple of months ago, I also approached Heritage Bank and Heritage Bank is setting aside the sum of N200 million under a package where corps members will get a soft loan and the only collateral they will have to drop will be their discharge certificate. We are also talking with Central Bank Governor to see that a micro credit loan could be arranged specially to address corps members in this category.” he said

Wednesday 19 August 2015

$12 Billion Taken Out Of Nigeria In 3 years – EFCC’s Lamorde

Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Ibrahim Lamorde, has stated that currency declaration by travellers out of Nigeria amounted to $12.058 billion in three years.
He made the disclosure in Abuja at the opening ceremony at the opening ceremony of a five-day inter-agency training programme on, Cross Border Financial Investigation organized by the United States Department of Homeland Security.

Lamorde said currency declaration in 2012 was $9.9 billion. In 2013, it dropped to $1.324 billion as Nigeria stepped up surveillance at the airports.

“There was a further drop in 2014 as currency outflows recorded an all- time low of $807,585,061.70″.

He called for improved financial intelligence gathering by the anti-graft agency and other law enforcement agencies in the country to check flow of illicit funds, if the war on terror must be won.

"We Will Sue If We Are Not Paid"-Asari Dokubo, Gani Adams Write Open Letter To Buhari On Pipeline Contract

Alhaji Mujaheed Dokubo-Asari

A former Niger Delta militant leader, Mujahid Dokubo-Asari; founder of the O’dua Peoples Congress, Dr. Fredrick Fasehun and four others, who were awarded a three-month pipeline surveillance contract under President Goodluck Jonathan, have demanded their settlement from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
The pipeline security and surveillance contractors wrote an open letter to President Muhammadu Buhari on the need to settle the debt.
The letter was signed by the contractors who included the company names under which they secured the jobs.

They are Dr. Fredrick Faseun – New Age NIG. Ltd; Otunba Gani Adams – Donyx Global Concept Ltd; Alhaji Asari Dokubo – ATEF Nig. Ltd; High Chief Bibo Pere Ajube – Galery Security Services Ltd; Chief Joshua Machiever – Bajeros NIG Ltd; High Chief Omo O. – Close Body Protection Ltd and Izon Ibe Security Ltd

On assumption of office on May 29, Buhari kicked against the award of pipeline security to groups by Jonathan administration, insisting that the development undermines the duties of the Nigerian Navy.

Buhari, expectantly cancelled the contract few days after he assumed office.

But the contractors in the statement argued that they were in possession of valid and duly signed contract agreements with the management of the NNPC to protect the pipelines for a period of three months.

“Up on till now, the public perception of the NNPC Pipeline Security and Surveillance job was that former President, Goodluck Jonathan gave the job to the contractors on the platter of politics,” they noted.
The letter reads in full:
“For the purpose of clarity, it should be noted that the contract was signed between the contractors and the management of the NNPC, an agency of government, as a way of finding lasting solutions to the incessant problem of pipeline vandalisation across the country.
“The terms and agreements of the contract were formulated and drafted by the management of the NNPC and was duly signed by all the parties, including the contractors and the legal department of the NNPC after several meetings and consultations.
“It is also necessary for the public to know that, against widely held belief that the contract was terminated by the Federal Government, it should be noted that the contract indeed ran its course, which was a period of three months, starting from March 15, 2015 and ended June 15, 2015.
“It is our belief that the contract agreement between the NNPC and the contractors is a public document and therefore can always be accessed by any member of public.
“At the same time, what we are demanding from the NNPC is for it to redeem its own part of the contract agreement and should not be seen as a favour and handout to any individual.
“By this, we have resolved that by the end of this month, if the NNPC fails to redeem its contractual obligation and refuse to pay us, we would be left with no choice but to take them to court , an action which we think may not do the credibility of the government any good because it is a case based on contractual agreement that was legally signed by a parastatal of government.
“It is also important to know that within the period of the contract, all the contractors experienced one form of loss or the other, either financially, death, physical injuries, or in most cases all the losses.
“To start with, because of the enormous nature of the job, all the contractors incurred huge financial debts in forms of loans from banks and other financial institutions in order to carry out their functions of securing the pipelines.
“It is on record that in the South West and South South, more than eight staff were killed by the vandals in their desperate bids to gain access to the pipelines, while more than 60 of our men received various degrees of injuries.
“Even as we speak, the bodies of one or two of our men killed by vandals are still lying cold in the morgue.

“As part of the efforts to monitor the activities and effectiveness of our men, each of the contractors submitted a weekly report to the NNPC and every month had a meeting with the management of NNPC at the Mosinmi Depot to evaluate events around the pipeline sites and take proper action where they are necessary.
“While we are determined to explore all peaceful and diplomatic avenues to get our dues from the NNPC, we once again want to plead with the management of the NNPC, the Federal Governmentand indeed President Muhamadu Buhari to ensure that all the contractors get paid for the services rendered to an agency of the Federal Government.
“Going by his promise to serve Nigerians irrespective of ethnic or religious inclination, we believe that President Muhamadu Buhari would use his good office to intervene in this matter in order to ensure that justice is done.
“As an important and foremost parastatal of the Nigerian government, we appeal to all those behind this obvious injustice being meted to us for answering a national call to serve father land.
“Your Excellency, we decided to toe this line of action because of our firm belief in your promise during your inauguration ‘to belong to everybody and belong to nobody’.
“Sir, we continue to believe in this highly spiritual promise made by you despite insinuations in some quarters that the delay in the payment by the NNPC may be politically motivated.

“However, we would like to repeat and let it be known and understood that failure by the NNPC to pay its debt to us, we would be left with no other choice but to seek legal redress in court.
“It is not in doubt that since our men left the sites after the expiration of the contract period, the pipelines have become porous and unsafe, leading to an increase in the activities of the vandals, who for obvious reasons are now having field days in their dastardly activities.
“While it disturbing that the price of oil has continued to fall in the global oil market, making rubbish of government’s budgets, but it is even more disturbing that vandals are allowed to steal what ordinarily would have made up for the shortfall as a result of the fall in price.
“Perhaps, the most unfortunate thing in all of this is the attitude of some of our political leaders who do not believe that anything good can come out of our people. Or how do you explain the public condemnation in some quarters when the job was given to the contractors to protect the pipelines.
“But the good thing is that all the contractors executed the job like a call to service and made sure that the activities of the vandals were curtailed significantly during the period of the contract.
“You will agree with us that in a country governed by the rule of law, failure to abide by a contractual agreement is deemed to be an offence which ordinarily should attract the attention of anti- corruption agencies like the EFCC and ICPC.
“We hope that Mr. President and the NNPC will do justice to this letter.”

President Buhari Must Probe Jonathan- Anti Corruption Group Insist

Some Nigerian anti-corruption protesters on Monday took to the streets to to speak against the reported Peace Committee advice that President Muhammadu Buhari should not probe former president Jonathan.
They took the protest to the gate of Aso Rock Presidential Villa.

The group called on President Buhari to continue in his fight against corruption in Nigeria. They were received by Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity to President Buhari, GarbaShehu and Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to president Buhari, Femi Adesina.