Monday 17 August 2015

"I'm Alive And In Charge"-Abubakar Shakau Speaks In New Audio Recording

After about 5 months of silence leading to all sorts of rumours about his whereabouts, leader of the Boko Haram sect, Abubakar Shekau, has reemerged,  refuting claims of his of his death in an audio posted on social media on Sunday.
In the recording, he described President Idris Deby of Chad as a “hypocrite, ” calling those behind reports of his death, infidels.

Shekau said if it were true that he is dead, his voice wouldn’t have been heard, as he was speaking. The notorious criminal said, he will not die until his time appointed by Allah is up. 

Recall that Chadian President Deby had at a press conference to mark Chad’s 55th independence anniversary stated that Shekau had been replaced with one Mahamat Daoud. But Ahmad Salkida, a Nigerian journalist known to have access to top commanders of the sect, subsequently dismissed Deby’s view, accusing him of attempting to mislead the government of President Muhammadu Buhari just like he did to Jonathan.

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